
Italy calling.Who's that girl?

I live between Venezia and the hinterland (we call it Terra Ferma that’s different from the city on the water. I studied to work in Health. I like my job for the human side, in my small way I try to be more empathetic with people. I don't want to be part of a cast, in other words. Hope you understand what I mean.
I write since I learned to read. For several years I wrote for a major publisher. I became an indie author cause for me it  means freedom. Such a beautiful word, such a magic and way of life. I like to tell stories that always take a cue from reality, narratami by others or experienced firsthand.
I prefer the romance genre because it allows me to splurge with a common thread which is the story of the two protagonists. But my stories are quite  To tell the truth my category has not yet been invented ... I call it “rainbow”.
I love classics, I mean ancient classics ie Odyssey.
In my novels sex is not the fundamental point, I think there's plenty around, but it is always placed the context as part of life. I love irony and self-irony. I’m very easy, but I won't tolerate the ignorant and smart. At last I’m very undisciplined, untidy and, despite four children-one adopted-I feel my second name is Peter Pan. Outside my job, of course…
I know, I know, must improve my English also because I want you to read and love my novels located in my beautiful country. Have you ever been in Italia? Oh, sorry…I’m off topic.
I’m verbose in talking and writing, just take a look at this sort of autobiography.
As it turns out.

Tired of the same handsome and billionaires maniacs? I'll tell you beautiful novels located in Italy.

Such as... "Pretty girl from Venezia". Oh yeah! Coming soon.

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